G’s charity:water project is complete in Cambodia! What a great way to ring in his b-day.

G’s charity:water project is complete in Cambodia! What a great way to ring in his b-day.
This past weekend, April 17th to be exact, marks the 40th anniversary.. It’s embarrassing for me to admit, but before coming to Cambodia, my knowledge of this country consists of one history podcast of Angkor and, sadly, Tomb Raider. That was it. So to learn that this beautiful country with the humblest of people had… Read more…
I know it’s long over, but here it is – Angkor in photos! Last July, we boarded a bumpy bus ride to cross the border from Vietnam to Cambodia. We know little about the country before coming here. In fact, the only reason Cambodia was on our list was because I wanted to see Angkor… Read more…
A year in pictures, a lifetime of memories. 2012, best year ever. When we quit our jobs, never in my wildest dreams did I imagined we’d be spending the year the way we did – a year in travel. It’s been one helluva a year filled with more ups than down, both good times and… Read more…
6 months in travel. On coming home and plans for the future. How do I put this into words? It’s been NUTS! 6 months, 9 countries and 40+ cities later: we’ve been on camels, trains and planes. Slept in deserts, boats and plenty of couches. Sipped tea in China, slurped noodles in Japan. Avoided Delhi… Read more…