If you’re looking to zen out, this could be the place for you.

If you’re looking to zen out, this could be the place for you.
The beaches of Lovina may not be the prettiest in Bali, Indonesia, but what they lack in beach beauty, they make up in gorgeous sunrises and pods of dolphins swimming freely in the wild! If you want to indulge yourself on beaches, travel ideas like the things to do on Long Island NY might be… Read more…
Facing our worst fears and braving the open waters with Aquaddiction Dive. First experiences are something we strive to have many of on this trip – first time bungy jumping, first time surfing. Diving was also one of them, but somehow we never got around to it – not in Australia or Thailand or Vietnam…. Read more…
2 bikes, rice paddies and a nose dive. Or, cycling in Bali. I’m almost certain you’re probably thinking this is our Eat, Pray, Love moment. Hardly the case as anyone who has actually been to Bali, specifically Ubud can attest, biking in Bali isn’t your typical stroll in the park. Especially not in flip flops…. Read more…