Travel Photo Roulette #50 Theme – Play

Get ready folks, it’s time to PLAY another round of photo roulette! Discover exciting new gaming options at uudet pikakasinot for instant play.

The day Kieu & I were leaving to Prague, we received a tweet from Runaway Juno telling us we were the winner of the 49thPhoto Roulette! Wow! Fantastic! It made me remember the experience when I won big prizes at Do you want to win too? visit their website.

Last round’s photo roulette was ‘Sweet’, hosted by Runaway Juno and our PDA deer photo in Nara was the lucky winner. Check out the other super sweet shots from that round!

Now I’m happy to announce the theme of the 50th round of Photo Roulette:


Play has so many different meanings and most of the time it brings out the happiness in all of us. And I think it’s safe to see we’ve seen this everywhere in our travels. Play can be seen as playing a game, sport, instrument, musical or a fool! It’s really open to interpretation and we’re curious to see what playful photos you come up with.

Some examples:

DSC_0048Blind street act playing his guitar in Cusco, Peru.

DSC_0310-001Sapa kids playing a hill game with a stick, tire and ball of dirt?

tango-001Dancers playing as tango lovers in Buenos Aires.

The contest will run from Nov 12 to Nov 19, 2012. 

For those new to the process, Travel Photo Roulette is a rotating event open to bloggers and photographers and people generally interested in good work. See the rules below.

Contest Over View

The contest rotates through travel and/or photography blogs as such, the winner of the previous round of Travel Photo Roulette hosts the subsequent round on their own blog. The new host then chooses the next theme, a generic keyword or phrase and players submit their interpretations of the theme over course of the week of the contest. At the end of the week, the hosting blogger chooses their favorite photo from the submissions and displays it as the week’s winning entry. They then include direction to the new host for the next round. Readers can attempt to lobby the author toward a certain photo via comments – the author can accept or ignore any lobby as they see fit. The game is repeated with the winner hosting the following week’s game and choosing a phrase for new photo submissions.

  • One submission per Blog (so sites that have 2+ authors only get one entry).
  • Post processing is permitted, but photo altering (ie. photoshopping) is not.
  • Abstract submissions welcomed as long as it fits within the interpretation of the chosen phrase. Remember, the hosting blogger chooses the winner, so if they cannot understand the submission, you might not win!
  • Please try and keep your images medium-sized and web-optimized (around 600px).
  • If you win, keep these in mind when choosing a new theme: * Keep phrases general so that all bloggers can participate. Specific items like “Eiffel Tower” should be avoided but rather made open-ended like “monuments.” For variety, it is okay to say focused things such as “monuments at night” which most of us have pictures of. Phrases can be generic ‘signs’, or abstract  ‘religion’. *Abstract thoughts are appreciated, but keep it within the realm that all readers will understand. No “Kafka-esque”, or “Overlooking Creation”. Use something that is able to be interpreted by all.
  • After 1 year, phrases can be reused, however new photos must be submitted.
  • No obscene pictures or phrases allowed. Suggestive phrases and photography can be accepted, but please keep it within reason.
  • Keep the ideas and photos fresh!
  • Pictures from your entire portfolio are fair to submit. You do not have to take the photo within the week of the contest period to submit it.
  • Most importantly, ALL PHOTOS MUST BE YOUR OWN.
  • One last rule, since this is a competition for bloggers, we need you to be a blogger to be declared a winner. Sorry!
How to submit your photos

To enter in the Photo Roulette competition simply leave a comment below with a link to the image (whether Flickr, Picasa or your own site) and we will upload it to this post. Don’t forget to provide a brief description or caption for the photo so the viewers can get a little background as to what’s happening. Check back here throughout the week to see all the entries as they come in and feel free to comment on them. The contest runs for 7 days from today, with the submission date being November 12th , 2012  – 11:59 PM November 19th, 2012 (Monday thru Monday). The winner will be announced in the days after the deadline, and they will host round 51.

Past Photo Roulette Winners and Hosts

The following is a list of the previously played rounds of the game and the hosting blogger for each. This list also doubles as a winner’s table as each topic host won the preceding round! Click the host’s link to go directly to that entry to see some stunning photographs from the chosen term/phrase!

1. Nov 4–10, 2010 – Living the Dream – “Animals”
2. Nov 17–24, 2010 – Skinny Backpacker – “Road Signs”
3. Nov 29–Dec 6, 2010 – Dream a Little Dream – “Street Art”
4. Dec 8–15, 2010 – Flashpacker HQ – “Festival”
5. Dec 17–24, 2010 – Over Yonderlust – “Landmarks”
6. Dec 26–Jan 2, 2011 – Don’t Ever Look Back – “Beaches”
7. Jan 5–12, 2011 – ThePlanetD – “Portraits”
8. Jan 15–22, 2011 – Travel with a Mate – “Motion”
9. Jan 26–Feb 3, 2011 – Johnny Vagabond – “Water”
10. Feb 8–15, 2011 – Ken Kaminesky – “Urban”
11. Feb 21–27, 2011 – Travels of Adam – “Friday Night”
12. Mar 7–13, 2011 – Itchy Feet Chronicles – “The Journey”
13. Mar 19– 25, 2011 – Brendan’s Adventures – “Changing Seasons”
14. Apr 4–10, 2011 – Shutterfeet – “Storytelling”
15. Apr 13–21, 2011 – 10 Times One – “Piousness”
16. Apr 26–May 4, 2011 – Beached Eskimo – “Learning”
17. May 21–27, 2011 – Travel Junkies – “Architecture”
18. Jun 1–7, 2011 – Destination World – “Transportation”
19. Jun 8–15, 2011 – Living the Dream – “Paradise”
20. Jun 21-28, 2011 – Vagabond Quest – “Clothes”
21. Jul 4-11, 2011 – The Unframed World – “Symmetry”
22. Jul 16-25, 2011 – Beached Eskimo – “Home
23. Jul 31 – Aug 7, 2011 – BackPackerBanter – “Inspiration”
24. Aug 14 – 21, 2011 – WanderingTrader – “Darkness”
25. Aug 28 – Sep 4, 2011 – Finding the Universe – “Tranquillity”
26. Sep 12 – 19, 2011 – Fearful Adventurer – “Food”
27. Sep 23 – 30, 2011 – Adventures of a GoodMan – “City”
28. Oct 06 – 13, 2011 – – “Reflections”
29. Oct 17 – 24, 2011 – Scene With A Hart – ”Framing”
30. Nov 9 – 16, 2011 – Vagabond Quest – “Silhouettes”
31. Nov 26 – Dec 3, 2011 – Hecktic Travels – “Music”
32. Dec 11 – Dec 18, 2011 – Globetrotter Girls – “Love”
33. Dec 25 – Jan 1st, 2012– Man on the lam – “Humor”
34. January 8 – Jan 15 – My Walkabout – “Winter”
35. Jan 15 – Jan 22 – The Art of Slow Travel – “Blue”
36. Feb 6 – FEb 13th – Ten times One – “Depth of the Field”
38. March 7 – March 14 – Nomadbiba – “Sunshine”
39. March 24 – 31 – Travel With Kat – “Local Character”
40. April 10th – 16th – The Travel Bunny – “Street Scene”
41. April 23rd – April 30th – Adventure Crow – “Spirit of the Country”
42. May 7th – 14th – Food Travel Bliss – “Evening”
43. May 17th – May 24th – Matt Gibson – “Adventure”
44. May 30th – June 6th – Flashpacker HQ – “Once In A Lifetime”
45. July 23rd – July 30th – Skinny Backpacker – “Surreal”
46. August 10th – August 17th – 2away – “Smile”
47. Aug 27 – Sept 2 – Bridges and Balloons – “Excellent Splendour of the Universe”
48. Sept 8 – Sept 15, 2012 – The GypsyNester – “What the ?!”
49. Oct 22 – Oct 29 – Runaway Juno – “Sweet”

The more the merrier: Please share this article on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and G+ and elsewhere to get more people involved. We look forward to your entries!

Submit your entry in the comment section below. Images will be posted as they come in.

Good luck everyone!

To find out who the winner is… click here

Round 50 Entries

Ashley of Ashley Abroad

Soccer on the Spiagga. While hanging out at the beach on the Italian island of Ischia, these little boys invited my friend and I to join their game of football. It was so much fun to learn some Italian and hang out with some very adorable locals.

Jaime of Breakaway Backpacker

Taken in the heart of Istanbul on the busy street of Istiklal… I love street art so was in love with what was painted on the boards of a construction site, but then when I saw this lil old man happy as can be playing away I knew it would be an amazing shot .

David and Veronica of Gypsynester

On the beach in Colonia, Uruguay, this adorable little guy is more than ready to share his father’s passion for fishing. Doesn’t matter that the pole is three times his size, he tackles the task at hand!

Jeremy of Living the Dream

Even kitties need to play too (Yes, that is a squeeky toy Simba, and yes, I love the irony). In Chiang Mai, Thailand

Raul of I Live to Travel

A little girl plays in Trocadero as tourists in the background worry about snapping the perfect pic of the Eiffel Tower!

Mike & Luci of 1000 fights

The Zulu King’s Press Secretary opening the Zulu Games

Jade of Our Oyster

I was hiking in Sydney’s Royal National Park I had my first ever whale sighting – this humpback whale amused himself by breaching and playing in the water in front of us.

CeCe of Little Victories

There was one little gal that caught my eye, as she was sitting at the edge of a hut playing with a half filled pot of dirty water, and a rag. So innocent, and so content with her little “toys”

Suzanne of The Travel Bunny

This is a cute hotel kitten who spent ages playing in, out, and on these shoes.

Jessica & Dani of Globetrotter Girls
Hmong girls in Laos playing pov pob, the Hmong game of love.

Heather of Ginger Nomads

This was at the pier in Mandalay where you take the boat to the village of Mingun. These little guys played ball with my friend and I.

Kathryn of Travel with Kat

A school play in The Gambia, about malaria and using mosquito nets. It was a very special moment when I realised one of the little girls was playing the part of me handing out nets.

Noah of Somewhere or Bust

A girl selling bracelets in Sihanoukville, Cambodia forced me into a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The deal was that if she won, I would buy two bracelets from her. If she lost, I would get a free bracelet.

Cam & Nicole of Traveling Canucks

Having some fun playing at the Hiekein Brewery in Amsterdam, Holland

Nat & Stu of Where’s My Passport

You may get a lot of these style ones but here are a couple of Buskers we saw playing whilst in Byron Bay. Looking at them you could be in the deep south.

Dream Explore Wander

Just outside of the church in Santorini, I saw two boys playing music, obviously they were embracing their sweet music


Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia for me is a ginormous playground for big kids with imagination!

Fidel of Scene with a Hart

This photo was taken at a children’s home near Fukuoka, Japan. These children were very excited to see us visiting and were taking Sailors hand-in-hand to their athletic field to play baseball with them.

Natasha of World Wandering Kiwi

While in Livingstone, Zambia, I visited the local Lubasa orphanage and played board games and football with the kids one afternoon. There was some outrageous cheating at snap and we learnt that you should never let the scoreline get in the way of a good penalty shootout!

Roving Jay

I was wandering along Santa Monica Beach and I spied a boy and his dad on a sand dune. The boy was playing a full drum kit, while his dad video taped him. So I had to go an investigate.

Sam & Sarah of Food Travel Bliss

This band play with the members and the crowd made for a great colourful picture.

Heather of Quixotic Road

New Zealand keas play near Milford Sound

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