Tell you a secret. Rome is home to the best pizza we’ve ever had. (Just don’t ask us where it’s from.)
Serious talk. I wish I knew where, but it just happened without warning.
I didn’t want to eat in Vatican City but we desperately needed to refuel. You try holding it together after a 3- hour line for the Vatican museum only to be stuffed in a warehouse with hundreds of sweaty people and no fresh air.
I was donezo.
So we made our way back towards St. Peter’s Basilica, we ducked into a small alleyway and stumbled upon an ordinary pizza shop. Figured, why not just grab a slice or two to hold us over until we can find a decent sit down lunch elsewhere.
The best things in life come when you least expect it.
It’s a potato pizza. Simple as that — just potato and crust, baked to perfection.
It may not look like much, and I’m not going to even try to convince you otherwise. I’m taking this secret to the grave! And by that I mean I’m just going to blog about it. (Ha!)
It’s not that I’m not willing to share, it’s just that I really don’t remember where, per say. We neglected to take down the name of the place. It was suppose to be a quick in and out, I’ll probably never think of you again, kind of place. So why is it that years later, we still can’t get it off our minds.
I remember watching the Food Network’s Best Thing I Ever Ate – Pizza episode, turned to G and ask him what his best was, thinking all along — I know exactly what mine is — never knowing G had the same idea. He never once mentioned it so imagine my surprise when we both said, “Potato pizza in Rome.”
(Here’s the thing. You could probably find potato pizza anywhere in Rome. To them, it’s just a pizza– potato and dough. But for us, it was a moment neither one of us will ever forget.)
On a different note, where there’s a best, there is always a worst. Funny how we found both in our short 2- day stay to Rome.
First off, do not be fooled by its signature name “Baffetto”. There’s something seriously wrong with a pizza that has over 5 different toppings finished off with an over easy egg right smack dab in the middle of the pizza.

So why did we come to wait in line for over an hour? It’s famous. And for good reason. Only G would try and order everything and the kitchen sink. It’s a good thing I like it simple and order one of my favorite– Margherita. Our visit here wasn’t a complete waste.
Pizzeria Da Baffetto
Via del Governo Vecchio 11
tel: 06 686 1617