So we decided to hike this glacier named Franz Josef in New Zealand and take a few snapshots along the way.

So we decided to hike this glacier named Franz Josef in New Zealand and take a few snapshots along the way.
Yes, we were there! And we’ve got the photos to prove it. We wrote about this briefly when we visited New Zealand back in January. But movie studio circumstances did not allow us to show pictures of our visit to Hobbiton and The Shire.. until now. With The Hobbit set to be release this week,… Read more…
Find out how much we spent in New Zealand in 28 days. New Zealand is our first stop on our round-the-world adventure back in January 2012. It rained on us. In fact, of the 28 days we’ve spent driving from North Island to South Island with one of the new brand new classic Ford Mustang… Read more…
We’re in Blenheim with one goal in mind – get wine wasted. After being on the move for 2 weeks straight, we were definitely ready to ‘wine’ down. Literally. We opted to stay for 4 days, the longest stay thus far on our New Zealand adventure. If you’re into wine tasting, vineyard hopping and that… Read more…
Yes, I did it! I bungy jumped 134m on my 29th birthday! For backpackers, New Zealand is a mecca for extreme outdoors activities – skydiving, canyoning, glacier hiking and, of course, bungy jumping! We’re here to do almost all of the above, but primarily, we came to conquer the latter. And by we I mean… Read more…
New Zealand knows a thing or two about safety on the road. And they’ve got a funny way of reminding you too. Have you ever taken notice of the road signs in New Zealand? Foor your safety one needs to learn about banner hanging tips which will catch the passengers attention(and entertainment), I sure hope… Read more…
Welcome to Rotorua! Yes, it smells like fart. Get used to it. Why all the great New Zealand activities are located in smelly Rotorua is beyond me. If want a good time, endure a little funk. Or a lot in this case! It’s bad enough the weather was terrible when we arrived, but to have… Read more…
On your way to New Zealand? Pick up these 4 essential items! We had no clue what to expect when we arrived in New Zealand. Just the idea that we wanted to indulge in some extreme activities and that we’d be eating on the cheap along with hostelling it to save a few bucks to… Read more…
Nothing like glow worm caves and a long drive to the Shire! Gearing up! Waitomo If you’re heading to Waitomo, you’re probably only there for one main reason – glowworm caves. Unless you’re up for other water activities like sledging or white water rafting. There really isn’t much else. And I wouldn’t recommend you spending… Read more…
Want to find out what zorbing is? Check out our video. You have the option to zorb dry or wet. We did both! Enjoy!