Archive | Travel


Where should we honeymoon in 2014?

We didn’t do a whole lot of traveling in 2013… so instead of writing a post that rounds out our year in travel, we’re going to take this time to enlist your help – help us choose where to go on our honeymoon in 2014!

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We got married! Well, sort of.

It’s true, as of Saturday, December 14, 2013, Gerard and I are married. Technically. At least in our family eyes. That’s because last Saturday, Gerard and I had our Vietnamese engagement/tea ceremony.

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My weekend getaway packing list

6 weekend getaways in 6 months, you can say I’ve got this weekend packing list down to a science! Since being home, I have packed for a weekend in Sonoma wine country, a quick trip to Southern California and the occasional raging bachelorette parties in Las Vegas. I pretty much pack the same basics and essentials with… Read more…

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We Moved!

Well hello. You may have noticed, we’ve been M.I.A. for some time. Consider these past two weeks us on vacation. Things have been nuts, NUTS I tell yah, in our neck of the woods. Between adjusting to life back home, finding and starting new careers, attending birthdays, weddings, bachelorette parties and all things in between,… Read more…

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Our Worst in Food

You’ve seen our best, now prepare to eat our worst.. in food. We ate well this past year, arguably some of the best dishes we’ve ever had. But a year of travel means a lot of meals, and with a lot of meals means we’re not always going to luck out on good food all… Read more…

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I’m 30!!

And drinks are on us today… You, me, Gerard, all of us! 2012 was no doubt my year; it was all about me. I quit my job. I traveled the world. I lived it up. It was great. More than great, it was life-changing. Last year, I celebrated my 29th birthday by bungy jumping off… Read more…

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