How We Stay: Hostels, Hotels and Apartments
Over the years, our traveling style, habits and staying preferences have changed. When we first traveled abroad, we stayed in hostels for budget reasons. Hotels were expensive and apartment rentals weren’t even a thing yet. Now, having traveled together for nearly a decade, we have a pretty good idea on how to find the best… Read more…

On Being Home
Q’s perspective of what it’s been like and life after long-term travel. Since Gerard’s career announcement post, some of you have been asking how things have been going for me so I thought I’d take this time to catch you all up. Reverse culture shock? No, not really. Unlike Gerard, I adjusted back into the… Read more…

Full Moon Party in Thailand
It’s like a rave. Or an LMFAO music video gone horribly wrong. I thought it was about time I wrote this post. Same time last year, we were island hopping in the south of Thailand. We attended the Full Moon Party first before making our way up to Chiang Mai to participate in the Songkran Festival,… Read more…

Weekend Getaway in Sonoma Wine Country
Swirl. Smell. Sip. Repeat. The perfect getaway and wine tasting in Sonoma! Now that our long-term traveling days are over, we look forward to weekend getaways to quench our wanderlust thirst. But waiting for the weekend can be such a drag some time, so we made the most of our free time and took a… Read more…

My Career Break Ends Today
I went from corporate world to unemployed to career breaker to this. I really can’t sugar coat that title, it pretty much says it all. But before I make my big announcement, I’d like to share what it has been like for me since coming home from a year of travel. Reverse culture shock? Definitely…. Read more…

Bolivia Salt Flats: Salar de Uyuni (Part 2)
Earlier this week, we shared our post about our 3-day safari through the Bolivian outback. Now check out the main reason that brought us to Bolivia in the first place. Day 4 Cactus Island Another freezing 5am wake up call except today we finally made it to the salt flats. At first, I couldn’t believe… Read more…

Bolivia Salt Flats: Journey from Tupiza (Part 1)
We spent four days in a jeep driving through the Bolivian outback! Most tourists do a 1-3 day tour from Uyuni. We took the road less traveled – a four day, 1,000km journey from Tupiza through the remote, uninterrupted and stunning scenery of Southwest Bolivia. It wasn’t all easy. We spent at least 10 hours… Read more…

Around the World in Mickey D’s
Beyond the Big Macs and fries – McDonald’s and its secret menu! We rarely venture the fast food route when at home, but there’s something about McDonald’s abroad – in China, Peru or Germany – that is comforting. While we always aim to eat local, sometimes it’s nice to have a little piece of America,… Read more…

Took the Train to Machu Picchu
The trails to Machu Picchu is not for the faint of heart. Which is why we took the train. 🙂 By now you should know, I’m not much of a hiker. I’m outdoorsie, sure – I’ll go rafting, mountain biking, play ball and all – but I don’t hike. Now I know what you’re thinking,… Read more…

The things WE DID WRONG on our RTW trip
It’s never easy to admit fault. But there’s always something to learn. I can sit here and brag about all the things we did right on our round-the-world trip; there are lots and I’m quite proud of them. But let’s be real, you’re all dying to know where we went wrong, so let’s cut to… Read more…