Psychedelic Pushkar
Where alcohol and meat are prohibited but apparently drugs are free game! A secluded Bohemian town in the Ajmer district of Rajasthan, Pushkar is a place where time seems to have stood still since it’s psychedelic heyday. Where tie-dye t-shirts, bell bottom pants, dreadlocks and hookahs paint the vibrant shades of town. Where alcohol, meat… Read more…

How To Bargain Like An Indian
This is your how to guide to negotiating your way through India. Negotiating in India, whether it be for tuk tuk rides or bananas on the street, is an interesting experience all on its own. OK, I’m not claiming I’m an expert or anything, I’m pretty sure I’ve been ripped off plenty in India. After… Read more…

Sonu’s Masala Dosa in New Delhi
Potatoes and onions and spices, oh my. First meal in New Delhi! New Delhi, India I know it’s not a great picture. I was too eager to dig in with my bare right hand to really care. We were told one of the first thing we should try when we land in India is a… Read more…

Traveling India by Train
This is your rough how-to guide for traveling through India by train. Traveling India by train can be intimidating. But after our first train ride out of New Delhi to Jaisalmer, it didn’t take us long to learn the ropes. To my surprise, traveling India by train is actually quite easy. We spent three weeks… Read more…

A Wet & Wild Songkran in Chiang Mai
Water buckets, ice and super soakers.. sawasdee pi mai from Chiang Mai. As far as festivals go, we’ve only attended one this year to compare, but I dare say Songkran in Thailand would rank as one of the best in the world. The Songkran festival is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year’s day… Read more…

Favorite hawker food eats in Singapore
We came to Singapore for one main reason – to eat hawker! After the amount of money we were spending on food in New Zealand and Australia, we were beyond thrilled to be heading to Singapore, literally our gateway country to our Asia jaunt. They say Singapore is expensive but we found it to be… Read more…

7 Reasons to Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef with Calypso!
Checking off a long overdue bucket list wish. Guess who we found? Show of hands if snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef is on your bucket list? I sure hope so. It’s been on ours since forever. We purposely saved the best for last on our one-month road trip in Australia. Last stop – Port Douglas!… Read more…

We want to “Go With Oh” to Paris. (Again!)
That’s right. We want to go to Paris, again. Again and again. This is us 6 years ago. Wouldn’t you agree we’re overdue for a newer picture? “If we ‘Go With Oh’ to Paris, the City of Love, this would be my fifth time. And you know what? It gets better and better each and… Read more…

Holi Cow.. Groped in India!
Festival of colors. And yes, they grabbed my boob. Welcome to India! Remember the TV show Outsourced? Best show ever! It was the first time we ever heard about Holi. Needless to say it quickly made its way to our bucket list. So we came to India with that goal in mind – to celebrate… Read more…

7 Super Shots – India Edition
Hostelbookers started a tag game in the travel blogging community — 7 Super Shots, encouraging people to share their favorite travel photos in seven categories. Carlo & Geneva from Travel Budget Couple nominated us to pick our 7 super shots of travel photography. We figured it would be a good opportunity for us to share recent pictures… Read more…