From solo travelers, expats to foodies, they’re trippin’ in their own right!
Do you know how many great travel blogs there are out there? The answer is many. And filtering out some of the best of the best can be quite a challenge. They’re all unique and special in their own way.
So here are some of our favorite — ones we can’t resist revisiting every so often because they are just that fabulous and, more importantly, inspiring to us. With our own RTW in the making, we are truly inspired by our fellow travelers and hope one day to be fortunate enough to cross paths and share our stories and adventures around the globe. If you’re a blogger as well and you want your blogs to have an increased number of visitors, you can look for professionals who offer services like custom blog design wordpress.
So without further ado, here they are in no particular order.
With topics like How NOT to Go Skinny- Dipping, how could you NOT want to get to know Kate. She is a solo traveler recently back home from her 6- months’ Asia Jaunt across Southeast Asia including Thailand, Vietnam and Laos to name a few.
With Kate, it is always an adventure! But she’s not hanging out around here for long. Tune in this Fall as she takes on Europe!
website: Adventurous Kate
Benny Lewis. What can I say about Benny Lewis? You would never guess this sole English speaker (10 years ago) is now fluent in 8 different languages (and counting)!
It’s a matter of “applying the right methods” he says, but I think his love affair for other culture and foreign languages has a lot do to with it too. Follow Benny. His new mission starts Sept 6th!
website: Fluent in 3 Months
Ryan and Liz packed their bags and said their goodbyes back in June 2010 to travel the globe. Their site is full of helpful travel tips, photo galleries and videos.
Now back from their trip, they are blogging it all and even sharing with us the challenges they face while traveling the world as a couple. That’s good. We’ll need tips on that too!
website: Pause The Moment
Akila and Patrick (and Chewy and Abby) are the ultimate site where food and travel intersect. She, a writer among many other things, and he, a web designer, both have a wonderful take on travel through the eyes.. and stomach. I dare you to peruse their site and NOT start salivating.
They’re leaving for a year in Europe.. with their DOGS!
website: The Road Forks
I love these two! Warren and Betsy are a 40 year old couple stepping out of the norm to travel the world. They’ve been on the road for 300+ days and they’re not stopping yet!
Do you like charts and graphs? How about more info on long term travel? Then look no further! They have cataloged everything ever since they left in October 2010.
We share a common photo fun bond — Jumping!
website: Married With Luggage
G read Rolf’s book, Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long- Term World Travel, during our last trip to South America and more than inspired, we were determined and motivated to embark on our very first RTW.
A trip we both have longed for, but bogged down by financial constraints and corporate careers, never had the opportunity to dream that big– until now.
website: Vagablogging
Steph just completed her 9-month RTW trip a couple months ago. Honest and personal, Steph will take you through the journey of making an RTW from dream to reality.
She will be the first to say she is neither brave nor lucky. Just a twenty- something year old out to show that “long term travel is a viable option”.
website: Twenty- Something Travel
Travel could not get any more attractive than with Nathan and Sofia.
They have a unique way of blogging about their travels, producing high- quality videos on a regular basis. You’ll find their blogs informative through the eyes of behind the lens.
Check out their vlogs from their recent 90- Day Europe Train Challenge!
website: As We Travel
Rob’s been traveling the world since September of 2009! 40 countries and 23 months later, he’s now back home (though I don’t expect for long).
It’s been nearly 2 years of foregoing the “what ifs”, taking the off ramp and stop having a boring life. I’ll say it was a great 2 years of no planning and a one way ticket. Can’t wait to see what’s next for Rob!
website: Stop Having a Boring Life
Hi Matt. We’re heading to New Zealand! Join Matt on his backpacking adventures around the globe including his experiences working abroad.
His budget options are helpful tips for those traveling on a tight wallet. With our own RTW in the future, we’ll need all the saving tips we can get.
website: Backpacking Matt