If you’ve ever wondered what goes into planning and RTW, this post is for you. This is our trip breakdown, everything from planning to where we went and exactly how much we spent.

If you’ve ever wondered what goes into planning and RTW, this post is for you. This is our trip breakdown, everything from planning to where we went and exactly how much we spent.
The final wrap up of our favorite country visited to date- Japan! We had very high expectations for Japan, and I am happy to report, Japan delivered. In fact, Japan surpassed our every expectations and more. When we were in China, we hit a wall and travel fatigue was seriously putting a damper on our… Read more…
2012: You have questions.. hopefully we will try and answer them now. It’s a new year and we’re answering our most frequently asked questions from 2012, because when you tell people you quit your job to travel the world for a year, there are bound to be some questions. Questions like, “Where was your favorite… Read more…
Find out how much we spent in New Zealand in 28 days. New Zealand is our first stop on our round-the-world adventure back in January 2012. It rained on us. In fact, of the 28 days we’ve spent driving from North Island to South Island with one of the new brand new classic Ford Mustang… Read more…