Snapshots from Angkor
I know it’s long over, but here it is – Angkor in photos! Last July, we boarded a bumpy bus ride to cross the border from Vietnam to Cambodia. We know little about the country before coming here. In fact, the only reason Cambodia was on our list was because I wanted to see Angkor… Read more…

An RTW guide: Our planning & budget breakdown
If you’ve ever wondered what goes into planning and RTW, this post is for you. This is our trip breakdown, everything from planning to where we went and exactly how much we spent.

Favorite eats in Sucre
Spent a week localizing in Sucre, Bolivia. This is what we ate. We spent a leisure week in Sucre, Bolivia vegging out. We did absolutely nothing but took Spanish lessons and ate some of the best food Bolivia has to offer. Here’s what we put in our tummies! Traditional Bolivian dishes from Mercado Central. We… Read more…

The unglamorous side of traveling
Most days are good. And then there are these days that suck! As much as we love to travel, it isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. Don’t get me wrong, most days life on the road was great. And then there are those days when shit happens. Oh, the things you wished we’d share, like finding… Read more…

My weekend getaway packing list
6 weekend getaways in 6 months, you can say I’ve got this weekend packing list down to a science! Since being home, I have packed for a weekend in Sonoma wine country, a quick trip to Southern California and the occasional raging bachelorette parties in Las Vegas. I pretty much pack the same basics and essentials with… Read more…

Favorite eats in Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur or KL is more than just shopping malls, tall buildings, luxury goods and cars. It’s all about the food and some of the best eats aren’t in fancy restaurants, but rather, the best food can be found in food centers and street eats. Eat with the tourist at Food Republic Located in the… Read more…

30 years: 30 travel experiences
Yes. I turned 30, I kissed farewell to my 20’s and am entering a new decade of my life. While I feel I’ve barely scratched the surface of seeing all the crazy things Earth has to offer… It’s good to look back and reflect on some of my most memorable moments around the globe. And… Read more…

We Moved!
Well hello. You may have noticed, we’ve been M.I.A. for some time. Consider these past two weeks us on vacation. Things have been nuts, NUTS I tell yah, in our neck of the woods. Between adjusting to life back home, finding and starting new careers, attending birthdays, weddings, bachelorette parties and all things in between,… Read more…

Lake Titicaca for a Day
It’s the most visited stop in Peru right after Machu Picchu – Lake Titicaca. And because it’s also fun to say I’m going to Titicaca like Beavis.. haha. Sitting above 12,500+ ft, Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world. Andean legend states that civilization itself was born out of this lake when… Read more…

Eat, Play, Stay: Arequipa, Peru
Every country seem to have one – a chill out place for us to relax and unwind, no itineraries required: In Vietnam, it was Hoi An. In Thailand, it was Chiang Mai. Sucre in Bolivia. Udaipur in India. And for Peru, it’s Arequipa. Arequipa’s European influences, Baroque-style buildings and cobble roads makes the city easy… Read more…