Tag Archives | Asia


7 Super Shots – India Edition

Hostelbookers started a tag game in the travel blogging community — 7 Super Shots, encouraging people to share their favorite travel photos in seven categories. Carlo & Geneva from Travel Budget Couple nominated us to pick our 7 super shots of travel photography. We figured it would be a good opportunity for us to share recent pictures… Read more…

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Visiting Family in Vietnam

2011: Thankful Gerard got to meet his Grandma in this lifetime. RIP. We love the food, we adore our culture, but ultimately, this trip is significant because it’s G’s first time here. Ever. You could say it’s an important one, a pilgrimage so to speak. G’s never met his Ba Ngoai (Grandma on his mom’s… Read more…

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Food Trippin’ in Vietnam

One of the greatest pleasures of visiting Vietnam is knowing we’re going to be eating well, and while indulging in the rich, eclectic, and vibrant cuisine of Southeast Asia, we can also enjoy exploring beautiful destinations like Phú Qu?c and experiencing its charming phú qu?c hotels. With every revisited trip, I discover a new dish,… Read more…

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The Best Thing I Ever Ate – Breakfast

The time when the every day breakfast became the best! I’ve had decked out eggs Benedict, delectable omelettes and over the top scrambles and they remain some of my breakfast favorites from time to time. But, the best eggs I’ve ever had, the best, most memorable breakfast, happens to be the simplest with humble origins…. Read more…

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