Bathing in Budapest
Bathing with locals in Budapest. At least suits are mandatory this time. When we initially decided to go to the bathhouses in Budapest, I had not so pleasant flashbacks of our onsen experience in Japan. Needless to say, we were both hesitant to strip down naked and barelathe in front of total strangers. Thankfully, we… Read more…

15 Things We Love About Japan
You asked us where our favorite place of travel this year was.. And in our latest post where we answered your most ask questions, we replied Japan. Well, here are a handful of reasons why we fell head over heels for this wickedly awesome country: 1. Fancy toilets Heated seats should be a standard for… Read more…

Answering Our Most Commonly Asked Questions
2012: You have questions.. hopefully we will try and answer them now. It’s a new year and we’re answering our most frequently asked questions from 2012, because when you tell people you quit your job to travel the world for a year, there are bound to be some questions. Questions like, “Where was your favorite… Read more…

Our Bite of the Big Apple with Ahoy!
We’re exploring the savory side of Chinatown and Little Italy in NYC. By now you should know us well enough to know we are big fans of food tours. What better way to explore a place than through your stomach, right? We had the pleasure of taking an NYC Food Tour of Little Italy and Chinatown,… Read more…

2012: The Best Year of Our Lives
A year in pictures, a lifetime of memories. 2012, best year ever. When we quit our jobs, never in my wildest dreams did I imagined we’d be spending the year the way we did – a year in travel. It’s been one helluva a year filled with more ups than down, both good times and… Read more…

12 Best Things We Ate in 2012
We count down our best adventures of 2012, no surprise, in food! This is usually the time where we tell you what we’ve been up to this past year – where we’ve been, things we’ve done – I assure you that post is coming. But not today. Today is all about the food! On the… Read more…

The Magic of Christkindmarkt in Vienna
Our favorite time of year filled with mulled wine, gingerbread and ornaments. The plus side to Eastern Europe in the winter isn’t just cheaper accommodations and less tourists. It’s also about Christmas markets! We were beside ourselves. And of all the Christmas markets out there, I had my eyes on Vienna to be our first…. Read more…

Tasting Hungary in Budapest
When it comes to exploring a new destination, immersing yourself in the local culinary scene is an absolute must. And what better way to embark on a delightful gastronomic adventure than with TheTrajet.? Discovering the hidden food gems and savoring every delectable bite is what makes traveling truly unforgettable. From the savory Langos to the… Read more…

11 Reasons to Fall in Love with Prague
Love at first sight and the perfect fairy-tale ending. We’re in Prague! It’s been a while since a city has rendered me speechless at first sight. It’s just so dang cute! There’s a reason why many before me are captivated by Prague and it’s charm and beauty – it’s like straight out of a Disney… Read more…

A Walk Through Hobbiton, in Photos
Yes, we were there! And we’ve got the photos to prove it. We wrote about this briefly when we visited New Zealand back in January. But movie studio circumstances did not allow us to show pictures of our visit to Hobbiton and The Shire.. until now. With The Hobbit set to be release this week,… Read more…