Checklist: 27 in 27 Days
27 things we need to do before we leave for our RTW! Things have been so busy we couldn’t even get this post out when we wanted to. Imagine this was posted December 1st, so please bare with us… So much to do, so little of time. We’ve had a lot of time to prepare… Read more…

It’s Official, Today I Quit My Job!
Yup, the secret’s out. Today marks the start of a new beginning! *happy dance* The moment of truth “Just rip it off like a band-aid, ” she says. My head down, voice trembling, I muttered, “I’ve decided to leave the company.” Took me a few seconds to built the courage to look up. The next… Read more…

6 Free Attractions to See in Buenos Aires
Save your pesos and centavos. You can visit Buenos Aires for FREE! It’s true. Plane tickets aside (and accommodation and food and souvenirs…), you really can visit Buenos Aires for free. Buenos Aires has your typical European city appeal — architecture, romance and charm — but without the ridiculous Euro price tag attached. Great food, historical… Read more…

A Girl’s “Gadgets” | My Packing Essentials for Long-Term Travel
It’s my turn! My list of packing essentials for every girl on-the-go. So.. 2-weeks ago Gerard came up with a list of his packing essentials for long-term travel. No surprise there — gadgets (what a geek!). I’m a simple girl. Most days, jeans and a t-shirt, hair in a pony tail and concealer for my baggy eyes will… Read more…

5 Mouthwatering Meals in Miami
Next time you visit South Beach, don’t pass up these must-eat munchies! Miami Beach is known for their B’s — beaches, bods and bars. But don’t get too distracted with their hotness and nightlife scene. SoBe has some of the best grubs Miami has to offer! Here are 5 of my most memorable munchies. Jimmy’z… Read more…

Tech Trippin | Essential Travel Gadgets
Here’s a quick list of gadgets I think is essential for travel. I’m a techie geek and not ashamed of it. When I’m traveling, I probably carry more gadgets than I should… but for good reason. Some (or many) of you can relate. Last week when we gave away a Touchpad, we asked, ‘what’s the… Read more…

Memphis Tours Egypt: Day 2 of 2
Excuse me. What did you say? We have no place to stay?! Day 2 of 2. With a hectic Day 1 behind us, we were so ready to check in to our hotel — Le Sphinx — and have a quiet dinner before calling it a night early. I was wiped. But apparently our crazy day wasn’t… Read more…

Memphis Tours Egypt: 2 Day Trip to Cairo & Giza Pyramids
In Cairo, Egypt with Memphis! Pyramids and camels and Sphinx, oh my. Day 1 of 2. We did not book the shore excursion with our cruise ship. In fact, we did not book any shore excursions with our ship cruise for probably the same reasons you wouldn’t either. Shore excursions are ridiculously expensive! Pyramid of… Read more…

How To: Party in Ibiza
Partying in Ibiza? Know what to expect when you hit this island. As a reward to myself for finishing my MBA program, I took a boys’ trip to Spain. And since I missed out on a lot of party opportunities being pre-occupied with school and work, I figured I’d make it up at where else, but… Read more…

Best Mexican Food Finds in San Jose, CA!
No joke. I swear I was half Mexican in my past life! My other half — Vietnamese of course. It’s a good thing I live in San Jose where Vietnamese and Mexican cuisine dominates this city of gold. So here you go — from our backyard to yours — our best Mexican food finds in… Read more…