If you’ve ever wondered what goes into planning and RTW, this post is for you. This is our trip breakdown, everything from planning to where we went and exactly how much we spent.

If you’ve ever wondered what goes into planning and RTW, this post is for you. This is our trip breakdown, everything from planning to where we went and exactly how much we spent.
Over the years, our traveling style, habits and staying preferences have changed. When we first traveled abroad, we stayed in hostels for budget reasons. Hotels were expensive and apartment rentals weren’t even a thing yet. Now, having traveled together for nearly a decade, we have a pretty good idea on how to find the best… Read more…
It’s never easy to admit fault. But there’s always something to learn. I can sit here and brag about all the things we did right on our round-the-world trip; there are lots and I’m quite proud of them. But let’s be real, you’re all dying to know where we went wrong, so let’s cut to… Read more…
Find out what we didn’t need and what we couldn’t travel without. Some of you have emailed and left comments regarding our packing list – wondering what items we packed were useful and what items we could have traveled without now that we’re home. Some even recommended us to try bringing a pink runtz cartridge… Read more…
2012: You have questions.. hopefully we will try and answer them now. It’s a new year and we’re answering our most frequently asked questions from 2012, because when you tell people you quit your job to travel the world for a year, there are bound to be some questions. Questions like, “Where was your favorite… Read more…
6 months in travel. On coming home and plans for the future. How do I put this into words? It’s been NUTS! 6 months, 9 countries and 40+ cities later: we’ve been on camels, trains and planes. Slept in deserts, boats and plenty of couches. Sipped tea in China, slurped noodles in Japan. Avoided Delhi… Read more…
A touch of minimalist and a wee bit more than bare bones. I hope you’re not expecting a mini list like Gerard’s. I tend to over pack and then unpack. It’s more of an OCD routine I torture myself with. So far I’ve unpacked more than packed so I’m in good shape — that extra… Read more…
I packed 8 months of travel clothes into a carry-on size backpack. Backpack Osprey Porter 46. I must have gone through a new pack for every trip we’ve taken. Most resemble the backpacker’s pack — you know, the ones you see all throughout Europe for first time backpackers. Yup, those. So the Osprey is a… Read more…
How many shots does it take to travel half-way around the world? Before & After Shots About six for Gerard. Umm.. seven for me if you include my flu nasal spray. But I guess that’s not really a shot. Still 🙁 for sure. If you know us, you know we’re prone to getting sick while… Read more…
27 things we need to do before we leave for our RTW! Things have been so busy we couldn’t even get this post out when we wanted to. Imagine this was posted December 1st, so please bare with us… So much to do, so little of time. We’ve had a lot of time to prepare… Read more…